Top Tax Issues

Top Tax Issues

Taxpayers who use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number should check to see if their number expires this year. If it does and they need to file a return in 2021, they should submit an application now to renew their ITIN. Doing this helps avoid tax refund and processing delays next year. The IRS issues ITINs to people who are not eligible for a Social Security number, but who need to file a tax return. Taxpayers who have not used their ITIN to file a federal return at least once in the last three years will see their number expire Dec. 31, 2021. ITINs with middle digits 73, 74, 75 76, 77, 81 or 82 will also expire at the end of the year. These taxpayers should renew their ITIN if they will have a filing requirement in 2021. Additionally, taxpayers whose ITINs have middle digits 78 or 79 that have expired should renew their ITIN if they will have a filing requirement. Other taxpayers with ITINs do not need to take any action

Duis eget dictum eros, in dictum sem. Vivamus sed molestie sapien. Aliquam et facilisis arcu, ut molestie augue. Suspendisse sodales tortor nunc, quis auctor ligula posuere cursus. Morbi sem neque, tristique in porta ullamcorper, lacinia eget lorem. Proin feugiat risus quis magna sagittis, eget semper nisl tristique. Aenean maximus, enim nec dignissim tempus, lectus ante lobortis neque, nec pellentesque nunc lectus vel erat. Cras a augue tortor. Suspendisse fringilla dui ut aliquet ullamcorper. Nunc ultricies enim et suscipit blandit. Phasellus id enim ac elit consequat finibus.

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